
Good photographs sell. Bad photographs unsell!

The Power of Photos in Print: Why You Should Invest


In a world where first impressions matter more than ever, the images you choose to represent your destination or service can be the difference between a visitor picking up your brochure—or walking right past it. In the realm of visitor brochures and guides, photographs do far more than just fill space; they tell a story, evoke emotion, and influence decisions in ways that words alone cannot.

Here’s why investing in high-quality images for your brochures is not just an option, but a necessity:

Visuals Create Lasting Impressions:

Studies show that while people only remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read, they remember a staggering 80% of what they see. In the crowded marketplace of visitor guides, compelling photos are your most powerful tool to stand out and be remembered.

Photos Influence Behaviour:

A well-crafted photograph can spark curiosity, ignite desire, and prompt action. Visitors are more likely to choose experiences that are visually appealing, making your choice of images a critical factor in driving engagement.

On the flip side, poor-quality or uninspired photos can have the opposite effect, potentially turning visitors away before they even give your offering a second thought.

Investing in Quality Imagery Pays Off:

High-quality images aren’t just about aesthetics; they’re a smart marketing investment. Great photos not only draw attention but also boost the perceived value of your product or service.
When your brochure is visually appealing, it’s more likely to be picked up, shared, and acted upon, leading to increased visibility and business growth.

Key Elements of Effective Imagery:

  • Relevance: Ensure your images resonate with the audience you’re targeting, reflecting the experiences they seek.
  • Composition: Well-composed images that are thoughtfully framed and balanced capture attention and convey professionalism.
  • Emotion: The most effective photos do more than just show; they evoke a feeling, connecting on a deeper level with potential visitors.

The Bottom Line:

In the competitive world of visitor information, great photography is more than just an add-on—it’s essential. By investing in high-quality, compelling images, you’re not only enhancing your marketing materials but also ensuring that your message resonates with visitors long after they’ve put the brochure down.

Your brochure is often the first point of contact a visitor has with what you offer. Make sure it’s one they won’t forget!